Monday, November 1, 2010

Shot dead.

A woman was shot dead, after returning home to her husband. She was just returning home after a Halloween party late in the morning, around 4:30am. She was found dead in her Atlanta home.

Her husband, the murderer, was arrested after the police found him walking naked in the local park. He had just turned 29. The weirdest part about this story is, the two had been married only a few days. The tied the knot on Oct. 10th, of this year!
The wife, 25 year old Madison Mclester, was shot several times. The husband was charged with murder, and is yet to be sentenced.

This is messed up. You get married, and 10 20 days later kill your wife? I can't say I'm shocked.. but the man had to know what marriage was going to be like before he said 'I do.' haha I'm joking, (kind of)

Either way though, this is odd. The police said they don't yet have a motive for the killing. If drugs are not involved, that man may be physco. If it was me, I'd say the spirits of Halloween got to me, and I thought she was a monster so I fired controlled pairs into her chest, until all of my weapons ammunition had been discharged.

Halloween would be the perfect time to pull of a murder, expecting to get away with it, pleading momentary insanity. Its a tense holiday, lots of scary eerie feelings in the air. Not to mention the new movie paranormal activity 2? Scarryyy.

I'm unsure of the whole story here. Maybe she was out cheating on him, maybe she came home and scared him. Maybe he just didn't want to be married anymore. Who knows.


  1. This is different story for sure. I too don't understand why you would shoot your spouse that early in your marriage. Isn't that supposed to be the honeymoon period? i would have thought that he would have waited at least 6 months. By than the newness has worn off. I would be interested in hearing more how this story plays out. I would like to know how much alcohol was involved. my guess is that they both were very intoxicated.

  2. This is a very weird and sad story. I agree with you about halloween having an eerie feeling, but I think you truely have to be insane to do something like that no matter what day it is.
