Tomorrow marks the 235 birthday of my United States Marine Corps. That makes the Corps older than the united states themselves! The Marines have a rich, tradition riddled heritage. Started in 1775 November 10th, at Tun Tavern Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
But you didn't know that. America doesn't know that. I turned on the radio today, and all I heard about was Conan O'Brien new show, and the NFL. I think that their are more important things for our country to take from our media than the first lady accidentally getting a handshake. Men die everyday for one another in Afghanistan, but the news will not tell their stories of honor. Men have won the medal of honor, the navy cross, other various awards, and it isn't radio time worthy? that's bullshit. It really makes me mad. Is it that people don't care about our Military? I don't know what to think about any of it.
This man is up for the medal of honor for his actions in Afghanistan in 2009. But I'll bet you never heard his name before. Here is his story..
“Meyer was recommended for his actions on Sept. 8, 2009, near the village of Ganjgal in Kunar province. He charged into a kill zone on foot and alone to find three missing Marines and a Navy corpsman who had been pinned down under enemy fire for hours by about 150 well-armed insurgents. Already wounded by shrapnel before braving enemy fire, he found them dead and stripped of their gear and weapons, and carried them out of the kill zone with the help of Afghan soldiers, according to military documents obtained by Marine Corps Times.” (Marine Corps times online, para 5)
Is it that the news reporters are afraid to talk about the war, for fear of depicting it in a negative manner?
Thursday veterans can go and get a free meal at a few restaurants here in town, for veterans day. One day a year? Come on now. I as a restaurant owner, could not accept money from a man who lost his leg in a war for my country.
I just think that America needs to look at what is really important, and what isn't before they start putting things on the news.
Your blog is so true. I wonder also about what is important. As Veterans day approaches this Thursday, I think everyone should reflect on what is important, our freedom. Would we have our freedom with out all of the veterans and soldiers still serving? No we wouldn't. The media wants listeners and readers and what is sad is that a lot of people don't think our vets are news worthy. I think that this needs to change.